Who calls from 9105026838

It is much easier to find 910-502-6838 info than you may have thought. Our free service lets you access data such as the mobile service provider, name, company name and other information of the caller.


Rating: -26

Area Code:
North Carolina
Time Zone:
EST (UTC-05:00 ) / EDT (UTC-04:00 )
Alternative number formats for 9105026838:
  • Local: 502-6838
  • Domestic: 910-502-6838
  • Dialed in the U.S.: 1-910-502-6838
  • International: +1-910-502-6838, 0019105026838

Scammers can be stopped or at least blocked, but you need to be sure that it is a scammer. Check phone number 9105026838 and see if it is a normal company who called you by accident or a scammer. It may be that someone just mixed up phone numbers, and you receive calls from 910-5026838 by mistake. You do not need to pay a dime, our service is completely free. Access the largest phone numbers database in the US right now!

Community report for 9105026838

0% Unknown

0 users reported this as unknown.

0% Scam

0 users reported this as scam.

0% Telemarket

0 users reported this as telemarket.

44% Harassment

4 users reported this as harassment.

0% Debt collector

0 users reported this as debt collector.

55% Spam

5 users reported this as spam.

0% Survey

0 users reported this as survey.

0% Prank

0 users reported this as prank.

0% Political

0 users reported this as political.

0% Positive

0 users reported this as positive.

Mabel , 2018-07-09 16:01:13

Phone number: 910-502-6838

Call type: Spam

Rating: -4

If you get this call regarding "credit card services, report it to the FTC, Attn: Mr Bandy. I almost have this robo call system narowed down and I am working with Mr. Bandy at the FTC to locate and prosecute this robo call system. But you MUST DO YOUR PART AND FILE A FORMAL COMPLAINT! It only takes a few minutes!

I have been getting robo calls for this for years and filing the formal reports, but as everyone knows, the FTC and "do not call registry" can"t get a clue of how to find these robo callers.

There are two styles from this system I have identified. The "credit card services" one and as of the last 18+ months one for "medical alert systems". After posting under numerous "spoofed" numbers (these numbers are fake and show up differently under your caller ID as any area code and number throughout the country). Make note of the number and report it and report which of the solicitations the robo call is offering. I have found that the same spoofed number is soliciting these TWO items/services, meaning it is being generated from the SAME SOURCE! This is who we need to take down and prosecute!

I engaged the "medical alert system" and used a good credit card. Now I am tracking them. The "contract" was sold to Lifewatch Inc. out of New York. That is how these robo callers are operating and then selling the "contracts" (which are NOT VALID in the first place) to other companies to take over. In this one current case, Likewatch Inc.

I cancelled the item/service from my credit card, simply telling my credit card company this was a fraudulent charge stemming from a robo call, which violates federal law. My credit card company immediately removed the charge and made sure the company can not charge anything to my card ever again.

I received a bill from Lifewatch Inc and called them. I was transferred to a person named "Doug" who the answering rep stated he was a vice president. However, "Doug" would not even give his last name, even after I explained what was happening. He was very arrogant and rude. If you get a robo call soliciting the "life alert system", you can place the order, get the merchandise and keep it LEGALLY, just state to your credit card company you are holding it as evidence for federal prosecution for violating federal law, which includes robo calling and telephone number spoofing. TAKE THEIR PRODUCT AND MAKE THEM LOSE IT LEGALLY! They are the ones breaking the law, and they will not pursue anything, because it will expose them and their illegal activity. And they lose product! IMPORTANT..do not use or sell the product! This is for legitimate federal evidence to prosecute illegal telephone solicitation. Just set the box in a closet or other safe place to be used as actual evidence. Mae them lose their product, making them lose money while you hold it. I have about 15 systems sitting in my closet now! :-)

If you want these robo call plagues to finally go away, we ALL must do our part and your"s can be as simple as filing a formal complaint with the FTC, Attn: Mr Bandy. And if you choose, engage the "life alert system" and take their product to hold as evidence. Just use a good credit card company and you will have no problems getting the charge taken off and it will never be rebilled. When you get a bill, tell them they are in violation of federal law and have been reported to the FTC and tell them if they send you anything else, including bills and or marketing material you will sue them for harassment! :-)

Let"s stop this robo calling plague and prosecute those who are violating federal and state laws!

john , 2018-05-14 12:15:32

Phone number: 910-502-6838

Call type: Spam

Rating: -4

Please file a complaint with donotcall.gov and send an email to your Congressional Representative about these types of illegal calls getting out of hand and going unstopped.

Andrew , 2018-04-28 03:41:59

Phone number: 910-502-6838

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

Got a phone call from this number. Nobody answered the call - no human or recording. The call was disconnected about 30 seconds after I picked it up.


FCC violation , 2018-04-22 09:48:51

Phone number: 910-502-6838

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

Its exchange 502 is managed by ITC DELTA COM - NC.
The number is currently on switch number FYVLNCDLDS0

Read more at http://www.whycall.me/910-502-6838.html#uGHjavPcPky1RcGA.99

Contacts who manage this exchange are below

Level 3 Jo Cole Supervisor 256-256-1974 256-572-5393

Level 4 Tom Leary Customer Care Manager 781-362-5252 508-326-6516

Level 5 Dan Springston Director 256-382-2164 585-402-1319

Elise , 2018-04-21 16:42:07

Phone number: 910-502-6838

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

I get calls ALL the time from these jerk wads. Always same scam, but today I decided to scam them back. The caller begins, "We will lower your rates". Then the idiot continues on and says, "I see you have pressed number 1" I am thinking to myself, No sh*t sherlock, however I respond, "That is because there wasn"t a number 9". Idiot breath then chuckles and begins his scam. I, of course, give ALL erroneous information and make up a false number, bank and expiration date. I am laughing as the idiot is continually questioning me, "Ma"am, are you SURE you have your card in front of you? Are you SURE your information is correct?" This is when I get extremely indignant and say, "Well of course, are you insinuating I am STUPID?" I hear exasperation and panting on the other end... "Miss, uhhhh Miss.... Uhhh... This is not right". I am now laughing because I can literally hear him rubbing his forehead and getting more aggravated by the second. After asking me confirm one more time all of the inaccurate data he then completes our phone call with... "Welllll, Welllll....... SHOVE IT UP YOUR A**!!!" and hangs up on me... Hahahahahaha...... In conclusion, I sincerely hope that someone nails these pr*cks because one day they are going to call a very kind and unsuspecting elderly person who needs help and they are going to scam them and it just frosts my rear that we can"t do anything.. Arrrrgh...

Damian , 2018-04-21 13:20:48

Phone number: 910-502-6838

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

they keep calling- there is a recorded voice that states they"re calling about my credit card and press 1 to lower my rates- I finally pressed 1 and started to tell the caller to stop calling me and he interrupted and kept screaming "listen to me"

Bob , 2018-04-14 08:35:42

Phone number: 910-502-6838

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -1

They keep calling wanting to sell me bombs.

Chanel , 2018-04-07 14:43:14

Phone number: 910-502-6838

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -2

I spoke to a male with an accent. I gave him some information and told him that I am not interested in their services and to stop disturbing me. He was rude and made a comment about my black a*s and hung up.

JEN , 2018-03-20 10:21:54

Phone number: 910-502-6838

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2


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Telephone numbers with the same dialing code

Recent comments

Tee, 2024-04-17 15:13:17

Number: (660) 721-6151

Call type: Unknown

Rating: 0

Didn't answer

Beck, 2024-04-03 22:00:39

Number: (323) 775-7100

Call type: Scam

Rating: -5

This number sent me a group text with one other number and me. I did not recognize the other number either, which was (347) 816-0388. The text sent a link for supposed free products from Amazon. The text read, “See worthy find, Rebecca It seems like something youd appreciate bopbiq.co,:;EE0bWqw.” It also had a picture that said, “Free Stuff,” next to a shopping bag with “Amazon” written on it.
I blocked my number and tried to call both numbers. This number the text came from (323) 775-7100, went straight to a message that said, “This number has not setup their voicemail,” and hung up. When I called the other number that was part of the group (347) 816-0388, a lady answered and said hello, but I just hung up. I blocked both numbers and did not click on the link.

NM, 2024-04-02 14:02:37

Number: (844) 600-1911

Call type: Scam

Rating: -5

Didn’t answer. Caller left message about programs involving $45.000.00 asking me to return call.
Obviously trying to solicit information.

Mandy, 2024-03-22 12:17:10

Number: (812) 324-0405

Call type: Unknown

Rating: -5

Keep getting call from this number No one leaves a message

Mandy, 2024-03-22 12:16:54

Number: (812) 324-0405

Call type: Unknown

Rating: -5

Keep getting call from this number No one leaves a message

Trish, 2024-03-15 12:56:47

Number: (708) 248-2460

Call type: Scam

Rating: -5

Text purportedly from USPS with attachment which I didn't open

Tom, 2024-03-13 17:38:46

Number: (626) 275-9771

Call type: Unknown

Rating: 0

Didn't answer

Larry B, 2024-02-29 21:05:19

Number: (423) 421-4546

Call type: Scam

Rating: -3

Tax filing ... I already filed ... lol

Nut N. ToSay, 2024-02-27 20:33:47

Number: (385) 324-0251

Call type: Unknown

Rating: 0

I didn't answer it.

Auds, 2024-02-19 07:51:26

Number: (208) 191-1683

Call type: Scam

Rating: -5

said i had been supporting a childrens charity..... never

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